Round in the Wagons

The Methodist Church outing was an annual event which took place every year on the first weekend in August. The event was also known as ‘Cottingham Feast’ or the Annual Anniversary or ‘Treat’.

On August Bank Holiday Monday, all the teachers and around 80 children from the Methodist Sunday school would pile into a variety of farm wagons and, led by the Chapel Brass Band, would tour the surrounding villages where they were eagerly awaited by the local folk. The outing always followed the same route – from Cottingham to the Lodge gates at the top of Rockingham Hill. Passing through Rockingham village they would go on to Caldecott, turn round and return via East Carlton.

At each stop, the children would enjoy pop, biscuits etc and the Band would entertain the assembled company with selections from their extensive repertoire. After a most enjoyable day the children and teachers would return to the Methodist Schoolroom where the ladies would have prepared a sumptuous feast to satisfy every appetite. Later on, competitive sports would be held on the sports field near the Wallis and Linnell clothing factory to round off the day’s activities.

It was the custom for all the Sunday School pupils at learn special hymns and recitations for the Sunday Services when every seat would be occupied by parents, friends and visitors for the occasion. 

The last Sunday School outing was in 1939 just a month before the outbreak of World War II. With the increase in traffic on the roads, the old custom could not be revived after the War, but there are many folk who can recall very happy memories of ‘going round in the wagons’ as it became known.

Pictured opposite (on Rockingham Hill) is one of a group of wagons taking the children of Cottingham Methodist Church on their annual outing in 1929.

On the second picture, note the name ‘W Aldwinckle’ on the side of the wagon. The Aldwinckles were a large, prosperous farming family in Cottingham, Middleton and Rockingham. The last picture shows a motorised vehicle belonging to F Crane who ran the garage and petrol station on Cottingham High Street.

With thanks to Cyril Licquorish for the above information and many of the photographs