Pictured left to right, with headmaster Thomas Beecroft on the right, are:
Back row: ? , ? ,? ,Ken Jarman, David Hobbs, ? , ? , ? ,George Davenport.
​Middle row: Florrie Cannam, ? , Hilda Adams, Vera Buswell, Kathleen Chamberlain, Kathy Sturman, ? , Florrie Davenport, Gladys Hobbs, Millie Sturman, ? .
Front row: ? , ? , Madeleine Buswell, D Goode, ? , F White, Flo Buswell, C Jarvis, F Sturman, T Buswell, Nellie Hobbs, ?, ?, ?
Source: Graham Hobbs. “On close scrutiny some of the children are wearing poppies, which appear to be artificial and these certainly confirm the date of November 1921, the year that artificial poppies were first sold by the newly formed British Legion to help aid veterans of the war. When magnified, it is possible to discern a centre button upon which the words Haig Fund was punched.