Schoolgirls (infants), c1906

Pictued left to right:

Back row: Millie Farrell, Tansley, Maggie Hatfield, Flora Claypole, ? , Ada Turner, Florrie Smith, Hilda Foster.

Middle row: Geraldine Jackson (Teacher), Lily Booth, Lois Coles, Lily Jarman, Linda Inchley, Claypole, ….Vye, Nora Claypole, Clara Aldwinkle, May Hammond, Dorothy May Hobbs.

Front row: Amy Binley, Betty Goode, ? , Bessie Reynolds (holding slate), Lily Tansley, ….Binley, Nellie Chambers.

Source: Graham Hobbs. “This is the infant class c1906 and what a wonderful picture! Every face tells a story and if only we could hear them speak today. The names are mostly known with some omissions of first names although two cannot be identified at all. Dorothy May Hobbs is leaning on the far right as if not wanting to be missed out. The teacher, Geraldine Jackson, lodged with our family at the Manor House in Cottingham (Census 1911). Bob Tansley used to work at the Manor Farm and they lived at the top of the hill and his two daughters are pictured. May Hammond lived in a small house on Corby Road, just as you go up the hill. Most families knew each other and, on the occasions that May and Nellie revisited the village, there was always someone familiar around to reminisce with over those times at the turn of the century.”

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